Thursday 14 May 2015


  • Castigliano's first theorem – for forces in an elastic structure
Castigliano's method for calculating forces is an application of his first theorem, which states:
If the strain energy of an elastic structure can be expressed as a function of generalised displacement qi; then the partial derivative of the strain energy with respect to generalised displacement gives the generalised force Qi.
In equation form,
Q_i=\frac{\partial \bold{U}}{\partial q_i}
where U is the strain energy.
  • Castigliano's second theorem – for displacements in a linearly elastic structure.
Castigliano's method for calculating displacements is an application of his second theorem, which states:
If the strain energy of a linearly elastic structure can be expressed as a function of generalised force Qi; then the partial derivative of the strain energy with respect to generalised force gives the generalised displacement qi in the direction of Qi.
As above this can also be expressed as:
q_i=\frac{\partial \bold{U}}{\partial Q_i}.

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